Photographs from Governor Jerry Brown's Joint press conference regarding Bay Delta Conservation Plan. Press Conference/Protest sponsored by Restore the Delta.


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"Analysis paralysis is not why I came back 30 years
later to handle some of the same issues... I want to
get sh*t done."
-- Gov. Jerry Brown
Announcing his revised Delta
Plan at a news conference.
By Burt Wilson
The governor looked and talked like a wild man as he announced to the media that he wants "to get sh*t done," but don't be surprised if he ends up knee deep in his own sh*t. In rescuing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) from the oblivion it deserves, Gov. Brown adopted the most sh*tty conglomeration of bad science on record. But then, what can you expect from a plan that was conceived by Big Ag and the water agencies, and supported by building contractors and their labor unions and all the political power of the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Business Roundtable and various and assorted corporate Greedheads and legislators on the take. And now Brown and his big-money friends want to try to sell this sh*t to the people while at the same time raising their water rates sky high to pay for it. Is it any wonder why people think Jerry Brown is full of sh*t? There are a number of good reasons not to buy-in to Jerry Brown's tunnels. You see, Jerry is not going to allow the people of California to vote on this sh*t. His plan is that the beneficiaries, the water contractors, should foot the $23-$54-Billion bill. But do we think they are going to just give away this water to the people? No. Local water rates will go sky high because the water contractors will apply the same principles to drinking water that the oil companies apply to gas stations: soak the end users for all you can get because there's nowhere else to go. Once the people get a load of this sh*t, do you think they are going to vote for Jerry's tax increase ballot proposition this year? Do you think they're going to vote for Jerry again in the next election? Do you think they are going to vote for the Water Bill in 2014, a bill that adds billions of dollars in bonded indebtedness to the state's budget? if you think they're going to let Jerry Brown get away with this, you're smokin' some strong sh*t! Another reason why the tunnels are a bad idea is that the BDCP's science is so full of sh*t that it is not likely to pass the Environmental Impact Report due out next year. And because the Water Bill measure that funds the sainted habitat rehabilitation of the Delta will still be waiting to be voted upon next year, restoration of the Delta's ecosystem will be but a figment of the imagination. Holy sh*t! Let's face it, the BDCP Delta Plan is a piece of sh*t. And Jerry's in it up to his ankles right now. It'll be up to his knees by next year. And when the historians come to pen the story about Jerry Brown's second tenure as Governor of California they'll write, "Brown? My, my.*t happens."
I was on the media staff of the "No on 9" campaign against the peripheral canal in 1982. We won by a 2/3 vote statewide and stopped the canal. Voters knew then that it was just another watergrab. Today's move to put a conveyance in the Delta is nothing more than another watergrab--only more sophisticated. Today I am on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan's Public Committe and the Delta Stewardship Council's Public Committee and the Forum Sub-Committee of the 2013 State Water Plan. This way, I keep up on things. No, I don't subscribe to what they are doing and I frequently tell them so. This newsletter is an extension of that.
Burt Wilson, Ex. Dir. Public Water News Service