BDCP Chapters Released: Congress Vows 'Water Wars' Just Beginning
River News Herald
New BDCP Economic Studies Uses Outdated Growth Forecasts
Valley Economy Blog, Dr. Jeff Michael
Restore the Delta
New BDCP Documents Say Taxpayers May Subsidize the Delta Tunnels Due to Uncertainty Over Tunnel Impacts
Dr. Jeff Michael
Bay Delta Conservation Plan's Actual Cost $54.1 Billion
Dan Bacher at
Members of Congress Slam Brown's Peripheral Tunnel Plan
Dan Bacher
California Caves to Big Oil, Kills Fracking Moratorium
Dan Bacher
Jim Verdoon
LTE Stockton Record
Restore the Delta
Bloomberg: Who Will Pay for Jerry's Father Complex?
Conspiracy Theory
Alex Breitler's Blog
News from Restore the Delta
(I'd double check the number of gallons of fresh water required for each solar panel to be constructed in WWD. At one time, I thought solar energy generation was an ideal solution for their toxic soil. Sure if it's only about retiring toxic soils and saving that water, but conventional oil pumping and solar power generation are two huge fresh water hogs...kinda be careful what you agree with what looks good on the surface!!)
A Letter from Friends of the River to Federal Officials About Fatal Flaws in the Bay Delta Conservation Plan
Lloyd G. Carter
Big Data and Our Big Delta Plan
Watering the Desert
All the Groundwater Law You Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask
Maven's Notebook
Jerry Cadagan's Clips 6/07
Editor of the River News-Herald does a thorough story about the current
status of the BDCP/Tunnels plan (and includes some bizarre quotes, like
"we're not exactly sure where the money is going to come from" says
Mark Cowin. Doesn't it fall out of the trees??) -
Alameda County paper reports on Tunnels cost and says Zone 7 GM favors the plan -
this LTE in the SacBee predicts that if the Tunnels plan went before the voters it would fail -
Delta Vision Foundation having a coming out party for its next report card on June 18 in Sacramento -
Institute has come out with a new report which examines California
water rate structures in today's world of increasing costs, new
regulations, etc. -
Tulare ID will get very little CVP water this year due to drought -
the drought is also impacting Klamath Basin farmers -
http://www.contracostatimes. com/california/ci_23406949/ drought-cuts-water-klamath- project-irrigators
Record editorial points out that California water infrastructure needs
$44 billion not counting the $50+ billion that the Gov wants for his
Tunnels -
construction starts on Carlsbad desal plant -
more on the lousy drinking water in some parts of the state -
Jerry Cadagan's Clips 6/06
Jeff Michael finds one of the smoking guns in the latest BDCP document dump and points out that the taxpayers will likely be subsidizing the buffalos (i.e. the water contractors) -
Kazakoff, Deputy Editorial Page Editor at the Chronicle blogs that the
Chronicle "remains dubious" about the BDCP/Peripheral Tunnels plan and
she encourages readers to use the link in her blog to do an LTE to the
Chronicle expressing their views -
that the blog item also has a link to an op-ed by Chuck Bonham,
Director of Fish & Wildlife. Clips has broken down and paid the
Chronicle in order to legally get behind its pay wall. The Bonham piece
is pasted below at the bottom; now you are really encouraged to do LTEs
to the Chronicle
Dennis Wyatt (who is Editor of the Manteca Bulletin) has an opinion
piece in the Turlock paper saying that we don't need the Peripheral
Tunnels -
Dan Bacher covers and expands upon RTD's release showing the cost of the Peripheral Tunnels -
the Antioch Herald picks up on RTD's release giving the true cost of the Peripheral Tunnels -
and the CoCo Times runs an LTE in opposition to the Tunnels -
a construction publication covers the cost aspect of the Tunnels and gets some things right and some wrong ("and 57 species of plants and animals saved.") -
the Imperial Valley paper has a more detailed story about the trial court decision upholding the QSA -
and another story saying that mediation continues on how to deal with adverse effects of QSA on Salton Sea -
BuRec increases allocation for CVP's Friant Division -
more on the lousy drinking water in parts of California; usually rural agricultural towns -
more on the failure of the Legislature to put a moratorium on fracking -
while this opinion piece says California doesn't need fracking -
this will be the first and last story about the water connection in the current Calderon investigation -
there's some material in this issue of Maven's Notebook that Clips has missed, and some that's worth a re-read -
California Farm Water Coalition
Farm Water News
Agenda 21/Sustainable Development
Sonoma Takes Unexpected Stand on Drakes Bay Oyster Co.
Press Democrat
UN Agenda 21 Frustrated by Property Rights Advocates
Rural America's Newswire(TM) 20130603
Defend Rural America(tm) related news has graduated to its own newswire, and will remain focused on DRA-specific topics, whereas Citizens Newswire(tm) will continue to cover wide-ranging topics. If you are getting only one newswire, but want both, drop me a request including your name, email address, city, county, state, and zip.
The News
o Hage Supreme Court case - Federal court finds conspiracy, orders Forest Service and BLM to reinstate Hage grazing permits. (Doyel S) Here is a copy of the decision. (Sarah F)
Drakes Bay - Drakes Bay Oyster Farm uses Data Quality Act to file
complaint about scientific bias and use of false information. (Jane G)
o forestry - West Coast log and lumber exports continue to plummet.
o frogs and toads - Congratulations to the Mountain Democrat for exposing the falsity of the yellow-legged frog fantasy.
o frogs and toads - Monsanto's Roundup herbicide can kill frogs within an hour.
o frogs and toads - Atrazine is another herbicide that harms frogs. (Chuck F)
frogs and toads - Agricultural pesticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos,
disrupt frogs' nervous systems and may cause respiratory failure. (Chuck F)
wolves - Washington State enacted an emergency rule allowing pet &
livestock owners to kill wolves attacking their animals. "Wolf populations are increasing faster than anyone had expected." (Doyel S)
“We either restore local government, or submit to global governance."―Kirk MacKenzie, 2013
Constitutional/2nd Amendment News
Open Letter to Senator Feinstein About the Bill of Rights
Agriculture/Science News
Levee/Infrastructure News
Fisheries/Wildlife/Habitat News
Economic/Tourism News
Frog Hollow Farms
California Tourism Spending Means $106.48 for Economy
Sacramento Business Journal
High Speed Rail/BDCP Conveyance News
California High Speed Rail Votes to Proceed with Tutor Perini
National Political News
Feinstein's Call for Leak Investigation into Publishing of Top Secret Order to Verizon
Feinstein, Chambliss Statement on NSA Phone Records Program
Feinstein Statement on Changes to President Obama's National Security Team
California Political News
CEQA Roundup
Litigation News
A Time to Sue: Regionalism Challenged
Freedom Advocates
Dirty Water: Calderon's Cashed in on Relationship with Water Agency
Hews Media News Group
Tribal News
Calendar June 19-20, 2013
Delta ISB Meeting
(If you have the time, please come out and support the Independent Science Board. I believe this is a positive area to put effort and energy as the ISB is creating and maintaining its 'Independence'.)
Written Comment Opportunities
Because It's Cool!