Delta News
And now a few words from my Hero, Supervisor Nottoli!
Viewpoints: Delta Plan Threatens Water Rights
(Comments worth the read!)
Sacramento River Delta's Link to Mr. Nottoli's Article
Defend Rural America 'For the Good of All'
Here is an excellent, well-documented example of how a national park is
created through intimidation and destruction of the people and
communities. Please take the hour to watch line program. While it specifically talks about creating a National Park, the process of creating a National Heritage Area is disturbingly similar.
ICLEI Primer: Your Town and Freedom Threatened
Please take the time to read this and follow the provided links for more information, especially all of the public employees and politicians on this list. I thank you.
And THIS is the reason for the prior link. This is very disturbing, especially given Great Valley's Packard-provided funding and influence in the greater San Joaquin Valley. For my rural naysayers on Agenda 21, if this doesn't open up eyes, I'm coming to the conclusion nothing will.
Senator Wolk Introduces Bond to Address Delta Crisis
Dan Bacher on
The California Spigot
Climate Shift From Snow to Rain Demands Revolution in California's Water System
about privatization issues? If the recharged basin water belongs to
landowners, then the massive Kern County Water Bank (taken over by
private interests in a secret deal by the state in the late 1990s and
supplied by the State Water Project that pumps from the delta) would
further enrich a small group of wealthy farmers, as they sell water
for new developments in the southland.
News From Restore the Delta
DWR's Delta eNews
California Water News
Most of California's Water Footprint Tied to Food Production,0,3917096.story
Colorado River Study Bad News for Thirsty Californians
Obama on California Water
Alex Breitler's Blog
Water News
Agriculture News
Vilsack Gets Earful at Town Hall
Levee News
Science News
Water-Activated Seat Belt Release Could Prevent Drowning Deaths
Coconut Oil: A Prepper's Panacea
Fisheries News
Wildlife News
Environmental News
Former MLPA Chair Says Hydrofracking 'Safe for California'
(Read the comments, one posted a map of where the gas and oil deposits
are located. Notice the HUGE swath in the San Joaquin Valley in general
and Bakersfield in particular. Kinda further clarifies the need for
WWD, et al to have stolen the Kern County Water Bank, don't it?)
Dan Bacher, Daily Kos
Habitat News
Infrastructure News
New Northern California Arena Promises to be a Jobs Creator
(Besides Agenda 21-based, does anyone else from the Bay Area see what's wrong with this picture, too?? Holy Smoke, I wouldn't step one foot into that area, let alone onto the pier. After all San Francisco's documented earthquake history keeps coming to mind. Not to mention all those thousands of sheeple, I mean people stuck out at the end of a pier into San Francisco Bay??...think I'll just skip it, know what I mean?)
California Economic Summit
MWD Votes to Support Raising Shasta Dam
The Fish Sniffer
SoCal Water District Supports Raising Shasta Dam
"But with up to 14 percent more water in the lake, there would be more
opportunities for selling and transferring some of that water among
agencies, including the MWD, he said."
(I take it, this is one of MWD's schemes to make up for lost Colorado River Water and curtailment of Delta Water, 14% additional water kinda adds up to what MWD needs to fill the difference.)
Economic News
Can we say 'Inaugurations Gone Wild'??
Big Price for Inaugural Pomp: Much Private Money
Tourism News
Tribal News
National Political News
(Disgustingly convenient, don't you think? My belief is if one responsible adult properly armed would have prevented this young person from taking so many lives. Instead of gun control, why aren't we addressing the side effects of Prozac, Zoloft, Adderal, etc. Deplorable that political ideology in any form uses the massacre of little children, the deliberate destruction of a beautiful "Americana" town (if it can happen here, no one is 'safe') to further their illogical and unconstitutional agendas.)
Feinstein Leads Democratic Senators in Call to Renew Gun Debate, Vows Legislation
Publius Huldah Tennessee Governor Must Obey Tennessee Law: No State Insurance Exchange
News With Views
Stop 2012 Fraud or Forget About Elections
News With Views
Freedom Threatened by Plan to Federalize Local Governments in Florida
Bear Witness Central
California Political News
California Appoints Carbon Watchdogs for Cap-and-Trade Program
(This is another inbred scam...if you read MWD's Board Report for upcoming 2013 programs, they are HEAVILY into 'carbon sequestration'. I thought that was a bit odd, then this article comes out, I research both organizations; lo and behold, the second one California Climate Action Registry through Climate Action Reserve, I find Jeffery Kightlinger on the BoD as well as a member of World Wildlife Federation (William K. Reilly sits on board of WWF...damn inbreeding, self-serving, conniving cohorts, but I digress.)
h/t Nature Watch
Feds Auction Prime California Land for Oil Development
California Institute for Federal Policy Research
Newsom Begins New Anti-Gun Campaign
Gun Control Quickly Rears Its Head in Calif.
High Speed Rail News
Green Water Grab Sinks Farmland, Blocks Salmon Run
Rail Series: A Capitalist Solution for California Train Travel
Rail Series: Single-Track Bottleneck Slows California Trains
Rail Series: Medium Speed Train Tracking Costs Less Than High-Speed
Sustainable Development/Agenda 21
Fighting State and Regional Planning in the Bay Area
Barbara Simpson Interviews Mimi Steel
Regionalism: The Blueprint for Your Serfdom
leading example of regional control is emerging in the San Francisco
Bay Area. There, the COG is known as ABAG, the Association of Bay
Area Governments. ABAG, in association with ICLEI (International
Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) has launched the “One
Bay Area” program. One Bay Area is the local federalized and internationalized
plan for the implementation of Agenda 21. This 9 county, 101 city (with
a combined population of 7 ½ million people) “regional”
plan is designed as a full commitment to the collectivist program of
Smart Growth and wild area set asides.
matters to in-Delta interests as the National Heritage Area boundary
was moved west far enough to abut the Delta with the Bay Area at
Carquinez Straits. A
BAG and One Bay Area most certainly affects us in
the Delta and Valley.)
The Red List
Exurbia Chronicles by Mary Baker
Refer to her bio at the end of the article for more references.
Defend Rural America
US Fish and Wildlife Sierra Cascades Dialog Sessions
(WOW, folks we've graduated from 'Preschool/Visioning' into 'Kindergarten/Dialoging' doesn't that make us 'special'?? Either way, this is Agenda 21/Delphi Technique in operation. These forums are supposed to 'inform' the decision-makers and these are consensus documents and matter the color of the lipstick, a pig is still a pig. )
Consent Agendas:
Terry Nielson of Amador County, CA offers the following information and suggestions.
(This also included all public entities, Councils, Commissions, Advisory Boards, etc.) use "consent agendas" to lump a lot of separate actions into a single
up-down vote, similar to how omnibus bills are used by legislators.
Unless someone objects to an item, it can be passed without discussion
and without separate vote. County approval of endangered species
listings have been approved in this manner. If someone does object,
however, the challenged item must be separately considered, discussed,
and voted on. By law, consent agendas must meet the same public notice
requirements as normal agenda items.
Terry's Recommendations
o Have someone in your group monitor consent agendas and alert your group of items that should not be passed without challenge.
Formally object to items that are objectionable to force open
discussion and make county commissioners accountable/liable for their
o Object to all ESA listings. During
discussion, demand proof the science and EIS/EIR behind the proposal are
factual, and that the proposed action has a quantitative and measurable
objective as to the numerical threshold that justifies delisting.
The Dawn of the Era of Common-ism
American Policy Center
Resist DC Part 1 and Part 2 A Step-By-Step Plan for Freedom
American Policy Center
ICLEI-Special Report
Sustainable Development: The Root of All Our Problems
TEA Parties and End the Fed Protests Cannon Win Back the Republic Without This Information
Is Agenda 21 a Danger to Your GRANDMOTHER?
American Policy Center
Written Comment Opportunities
Litigation News
Virginia Takes EPA to Court Claiming Water Regulation Plan is Illegal Land Takeover
Income Tax Truth: Income Is NOT Wages
IRS Taken to U.S. Supreme Court for Unconstitutional and Illegal Actions
Events Calendar
Delta Stewardship Council Brown Bag
Delta Watershed Unimpaired Flow Index and Analytical Tools to
Evaluate System-wide Changes since the 2006 Water Quality Control Plan
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Just For Fun
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What If They're Wrong?
If Not Now, When?
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Laurie Roth - God Can Save US No Matter Who Is In the White House
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