Monday, February 24, 2014

Unaccounted Fresh Water Flow From the Delta...Where did $3.5 Billion in Water Go?

Data compiled by N. Suard, Esq. and Managing Partner Snug Harbor Resorts, LLC.

Here's the link to the full size PDF which is easier to read.

Very interesting question with some back-up number crunching of DWR's own numbers from 1998-2010...

Personally, I have a darn good idea where $3.5 billion, minimum value, of water went...ready for this??  I say it went into the Kern Water Bank on a separate set of books to miraculously become the SOURCE OF ALTERNATIVE FUNDING for BDCP...the original rob Peter to screw Paul!  And we, Californians, are Peter AND Paul. 

Seems to me there should be some investigations into not only where did the water go, but the correlations and connections between the same set of persons and entitiess calling the shots and directly profiting from theft of a public resource?  

Who authorized that diversion?  

Who is keeping the books?  

Who stands to profit the most from anything water related?  

Do we have Honest Services Fraud occurring??  

Federal Grand Jury, hello??  We're knocking on your door...