Delta News
Office of Congressman Denham:
House Approves Denham Amendment to Prohibit Reintroduction of Salmon into Insufficient SJ Habitat
The Bay Citizen
SF 3rd Graders Launch Campaign Against Sea Lion Killings
(And this is education? Where is the other side of the issue? That protected sea lions are a predator to endangered salmon? That there are water export issues in California that are directly related to sea lion predation? That this is what happens when the food chain gets out of balance? When humans interfere with nature when trying to save one species to the detriment of another?
Especially in the Delta...saltwater intrusion further up the main stem of the Sacramento River means sea lions coming further and further inland following the saline water and their OCEAN based feasts. Which, if I read facts correctly, is also a contributing factor of sea lion intrusion all the way to the base of the dams in Washington and Oregon.)
California Water News
Lloyd G. Carter
Radio Show Today 1PM Featuring Ed Imhofe Author of 'Rainbow Report'
(Should be an interesting interview if you have the time.)
ACWA Presents Leadership Award to Max Sakato
Union Democrat
Sonora/Tuolomne Rural Counties Bristle at Septic Regs
North County Times:
Giant SoCal Water Agency Says Global Warming Law Will Cost is $10M to $50M a Year
(And they think they'll be able to pay for Conveyance, too! Wonder when the camel's back will finally break?)
Southern California Water Committee
State Announces Delay in BDCP Process
(In light of say N. Carolina Wildlife Federation vs N. Carolina Transportation Agency, I'd say the agencies are correct in at least the appearance of checking and rechecking their facts...)
The Salt Lake Tribune
River is Basis of West's Economy
California Farm Water
Water News
Water Chat- Don Gaydon
Agriculture News
Levee News
Fisheries News
Environmental News
NASA Earth Observatory
Methane Emissions from the Arctic Ocean
Tourism News
Economic News
Economic Policy Journal
Government-Free Floating City off the Shores of Silicon Valley
(Yeah right...they'll float themselves right into LOST waters, UN Confiscation of ANY thing created out there...hmmm...California's Regulation-Controlled Thievery...Federal Government/United Nations...California...United Nations...Cali...UN...hmmm. Pick one, cuz their ain't no free 'lunch/ride/float' anywhere in the world, just carefully select your Over-Regulating Over Lords.)
Trinity Journal
Reclamation Plans Trinity Water Export Total
Trinity Journal
Peripheral Canal a Greater Threat to Trinity Lake, River
(Yes it is!)
California Political News
Shenanigans with Capitol Press Access
(Well, I'd say Ms. Grimes is having a direct impact at the Capitol, better yet a direct positive impact at the Grassroots level in is revealing how the Left or Democrats in the Capitol resort to direct violations of the Constitution when the message, heck the truth, does not favor their idealized Utopia.
This is just wrong...Keep it up Katy, as you say, you can do your job anywhere!)
California Lawmakers Push for Fracking Rules
(One of my objections to this form of gas exploration/production is that exploration involves injecting at high velocities a cocktail of chemicals/toxins that are permanent. Requiring a company to disclose that cocktail of chemicals or 'trade secrets' AFTER they have been injected into the ground...why bother???
Natural gas is/was a throw-away byproduct of refining 'sweet crude'. One does not have to acquire natural gas via this method, which IMHO is a worse alternative than pursuing light, sweet crude. Technology today has the experience to drill for this, yes, even off the coast of Santa Barbara, without major 'accidents' or harm to our environment.
Never mind the huge amounts of water utilized daily for product the fracturing...Water that has to come from somewhere.)
San Jose Mercury News
Fracking Our Way to Energy Independence, In California?
(The issue with Deepwater Horizon, is just that, the deep water. The deeper you have to go, the exponential increase in the odds something will go that somewhere, too!!) To compare deep water drilling and Fracking to 'regular' oil exploration is comparing an apple to navel and blood oranges. Not all methods of exploration and extraction are necessarily evil.)
Political News
California Progress Report
DC Democrats Upset that Feingold Called Out Pelosi's Footsie with Bowles-Simpson
(Progressive drama!)
Science News
High Speed Rail News
Agenda 21/Sustainable Development
Public Comment Opportunities
Litigation News
Events Calendar
Restore the Delta
May 19th: BBQ Fundraiser: Pig Roast and Fixin's
Just For Fun
DC Campus Caller
OWS Pysychology Explained
(Right on! There's actually something worthwhile coming out of some of the universities. Enjoy!!!)