Delta Related and Water News
Jerry Cadagan's Water Clips
Tuesday Twofer PubsHey all you Facebook types -- please go to this site, which is part of the effort to help educate our neighbors down south about the problems with the Tunnels, and give it a like, a share and a love -here is the CV Business Times story about the suit by CSPA, C-WIN, RTD, CBD, and FOR against the Delta Stewardship Council over the Delta Plan; the full suit is linked -and here is Sacto TV Channel 3 coverage of the litigation featuring FOR's Bob Wright -Matt Weiser at the SacBee is keeping a scorecard on the number of suits filed in connection with the DSC's Delta Plan -and here's Matt's follow up story (at least we think it's different) -and Gosia Wozniacka of AP wrote this summary of the suits -and the DSC stopped ducking just long enough to issue this statement about all the suits -Capital Public Radio covers the suits -Alex Breitler says we're up to 7 suits on the Delta Plan -SF Appeal could only count 6; note here that Mike Jackson predicts all the suits will be consolidated into a single case in one of the courts they are currently filed in -the San Joaquin County Advisory Water Commision will be discussing the Tunnels tomorrow at 1pm -Jay Lund talks about the difficult problem of subsidence in the Delta -Garamendi and LaMalfa urge faster progress in levee improvements -in this opinion piece in the Sonoma News John McManus explains why the ESA is important and points out the salmon fishing is a billion dollar business -Orange County continues to lead the way in high tech potable reuse water recycling (are ya' listening SF?) -US EPA is about to dole out some $5 million in grant funds for SF Bay water quality improvement projects -this item in the San Luis Obispo paper points out the embarrassing truth that California and Texas have one thing in common-- a refusal to manage groundwater -NPR tries to cover US water law in a couple of paragraphs, but does focus on the problems in the Klamath Basin -and Klamath ranchers fight back over water shutdowns -while the tribes continue to squabble over KBRA -the Paso Robles paper is running a 5 part series on the impact the burgeoning winery business is having on groundwater; here's Part 3 with links to 1 and 2 -
McNerney Statement
Maven's Notebook
Double Whammy - How the USBR Can Help the West Adapt to Drought and Climate Change
Delta Related Private/Public Propaganda News
Farm Water News
Land Use/Sustainable Development
Hijacking the Heartland
(Has anyone heard about this? I hadn't until this article. That is disturbing, more behind-closed-doors shenanigans from the feds. THIS is another example of why a National Heritage Area designation subjugating the Delta to more whims of the federal government and the Secretary of Interior in particular.)
Constitutional/2nd Amendment News
Agriculture/Science News
Avenge Tesla, Elite Truth Warriors Only
Teens' Science Experiment on Wi-Fi Dangers Prompts Praise, Concerns
Levee/Infrastructure News
Fisheries/Wildlife/Habitat News
Economic/Tourism News
McDowell Estates' Delta Grown
High Speed Rail/BDCP Conveyance News
National Political News
A Republic in Danger
Watch Your Cash: New BAIL-IN Rules Will Force "Failed Bank Losses" on Investors
California Political News
Showdown over PG&E Penalties for San Bruno Explosion
Litigation News
The PDF Link to the suit filed by LAND, et al
Tribal News
Written Comment Opportunities
Because It's Cool!
It's going to be ending of mine day, except before finish I am reading this impressive paragraph to improve my knowledge.
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