Dan Bacher
Red, Green and Blue
California's Peripheral Canal - Not Yet in the Bag
The California Spigot“They had to start over – trying to become a legitimate agency and a legitimate plan,” [Burt] Wilson continued. “To me, the BDCP is walking on tenuous ground every step it takes. The reason for that is because their authority doesn’t come from the people of California, as it should, through a vote.”Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/1mw7l)
Lack of Equality in Delta Water Plan Evokes Feminist Principle: Think Globally, Act Locally
One thing not present at the meeting was equality. Peltier's district (along with a few other big contractors) had everything to do with writing the plan; the rest of the stakeholders, little or nothing. How did it happen and what do we do about the prospect of a multibillion dollar project being built – the largest water infrastructure project in California since 1960 – without a vote of the people or the legislature? Moreover, the five Delta counties – Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano and Yolo – whose water supply and agricultural land will be affected, oppose the plan. They have not had a role in its creation. http://californiaspigot.blogspot.com/2012/09/lack-of-equality-in-delta-water-plan.htmlLand Use Professor's Blog
Anything but Peripheral: An Occasional Blog Series on California's Delta
But arguably the most important single document in bringing the peripheral canal proposal back from the dead, and one of the most important documents in changing people's opinion about the canal, was a 2007 report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), Envisioning Futures For the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, that spoke about the current status of the Delta, and why something big needs to be done there. And fast.(Boy, just think where we could/would be if this weren't being perpetuated by the Resource Legacy/Packard Foundation-funding/UC Davis 'science'-delivering machine???)
More about the ecosystem of the Delta, and the PPIC report, in the next installment.
Switchboard at NRDC
BDCP Ignores New EPA Bay-Delta Action Plan
(Good article by Barry Nelson...Same old out of the same old; excellent comments by Burt Wilson and Carolee Kreiger)
Bilingual Weekly
The BDCP Circus Continues - Toilets, Tunnels, Exports & Scientific Data Ignored
Capitol Weekly
Bill Jennings
A Peripheral Tunnel Is a Bad Idea
California Water News
Water Agencies Offer Fact Sheets on BDCP
(In my opinion, the best source of 'Delta Doozies' out there!!!! At least the SWC won't have to look far or dig deep for doozies.)
Farm Water News
Water News
Inforgraphic: Where Is All the Water?
Agriculture News
Environmental Policy Web
No-Till Farming Helps Capture Snow and Soil Water
KMTG Natural Resources Blog: SWRCB Decides to Stay Provisions of Central Coast Agriculture Order
Levee News
Fisheries News
The Foundry
Save the Whales? No, Save NOAA
(Very interesting how the liberal left virtually 'eats their own young', so to speak.)
Environmental News
Tribal News
Habitat News
Live and Let Live: Humans and Tigers
Infrastructure News
Central Valley Business Times
Water Contractors May Escape Full Cost of Governor's Twin Tunnel Scheme
“Currently, the plan is to split the costs this way: 75 percent exporters; 10 percent Bureau of Reclamation; 10 percent State Water Bond; … 5 percent Other,” says Restore the Delta.Aquafornia.com
The Planning Report
MWD's Jeff Kightlinger Endorses Governor's Preferred Delta Fix
Economic News
California Goes Bankrupt
Sacramento Business Journal
Sac Bee Begins Charging for Digital Access
(Well, we'll see where that leaves this blog...I refuse to pay for subscriptions to online news sources. What might be a 'success' for NY Times, will probably not be quite as successful for McClatchey...or the ability for blogs such as these to pass along information. We'll see what develops in the near future.)
Tourism News
Sacramento River Delta Blog
Freeport's Mi Pueblo Mexican Grill Earns Food Safety Award of Excellence
California Political News
Costs, Benefits, Politics and Corruption
Although the economics of system efficiency or benefits from water use may be clear, it's in the political sphere that the distribution of costs and benefits from water is determined.*
Political News
National Center for Policy Analysis
Libertarian Roots of the TEA Party
Science News
High Speed Rail News
California Progress Report
Environmental Justice Does Not Mean What They Think It Means
(Probably one of the most offensive, racist articles my blood pressure could handle. Sooo, if you're white, and a white farmer at that, you're not protected by any form of 'environmental justice' when these huge, destructive projects come barreling through your properties and long-established communities? We're supposed to bear the brunt of 'fixing' all of California's problems on our backs?? Well, Progressive/Lefties, when you're next to starving and have no prime soils left to grow the food you rely upon for your sustenance, then what, Smart Ass, then what??)
UN/Agenda 21/Sustainable Development
American Policy Center
Agenda 21 Talked About on the House Floor in 1992
Public Comment Opportunities
Delta Stewardship Council
Red Line Version of Draft Delta Plan
Litigation News
Nation's Governors, Counties, State Legislatures Become Involved in Storm Water Runoff Cases Before U.S. Supreme Court
Events Calendar
Delta Stewardship Council
Register Now for the 2012 Bay Delta Science Conference
Just For Fun
PJ Media
Drunk Blogging Bill Clinton's DNC Speech
(Too good not to post! Can't wait to see tonight's blogging on Obama's speech...hehehe!)
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